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中国石化新闻网讯 据World Oil & Gas Bidding News网5月4日休斯敦报道,埃及石油和矿产资源部长特雷克莫拉3日在休斯敦举行的2016年海洋技术会议(OTC)上说,得益于位于Shorouk租借区的海上祖尔天然气项目的最近成功,埃及打算不久将举行向外国油气公司提供28个区块的国际招标。




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Egypt to Offer Blocks in the coming few weeks

World Oil & Gas Bidding News

Wednesday, May 04, 2016


Egypt, boosted by the recent success with the offshore Zohr gas project in Shorouk concession, intended to offer 28 blocks for bidding by foreign oil and gas companies soon, Tarek El Molla, the country's Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources said Tuesday at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2016 in Houston.

"We are going to call a new bid round for 28 blocks ... in the coming few weeks," the Minister indicated. He told Rigzone after the session that the blocks are located in the Gulf of Suez,Red Sea, Desert Western, Desert Eastern and Desert Mediterranean.

Egypt has over the last two and a half years signed 66 agreements for new upstream oil and gas blocks, securing a minimum commitment of $14 billion..

Egypt, currently the world's 15th largest gas producer and with the 16th largest gas reserves, is also revamping the domestic gas law as part of a substantial reform in the country's gas sector. The proposed law mandates the creation of an independent regulator, with the legislation pending ratification by parliament.
